Analytics platform

Currently, Octan has completed the onchain data processing pipeline, infrastructure and reputation ranking system. Next time, we will build Octan Analytics, a united platform based on three pillars:

  1. Octan Reputation Ranking System provides reputation scoring, a core value and competitive advantage to onchain data analytics and Web3 insight extraction.

  2. Octan AI utilizes Google Bard (a large language model developed by Google AI) to develop a chatbot, providing clients/users comprehensive information about projects and dapps mentioned in the Web2 world. Moreover, specially trained with Octan onchain & reputation data, the chatbot will help customers produce onchain analytics reports, analyze them quickly and more accurately. Moreover, Octan AI is connected with Google Colab (the most popular Python Collaboration platform for AI/ML, data analytics and data science) to facilitate AI/ML engineers, data analysts. Ultimately, Octan AI utilizes Google Bigquery (the largest public data warehouse, including Bitcoin and Ethereum data) to enrich onchain datasets for analysts.

  3. Octan Labels are introduced to manually identify and classify Web3 entities with help of community and freelancers (under label-to-earn program). Labeling is important for onchain addresses to make it human readable, to classify wallets, dapps into various categories, to segment users and their behaviors. These tasks, in turn, benefit Octan AI as labeling provides more meaningful features to develop better AI/ML algorithms for onchain analytics problems.

Octan Analytics platform empowers clients with more controls over monitoring and collecting data about Web3 social insights. Clients will be provided with trial accounts to use without any charges. Major features are:

  • Dashboard: Allow the creation of dashboards to track insights of specific blockchain networks or specific Web3 entities.

  • Tracking: Monitor the activity trends of one or multiple entities across blockchains.

  • Comparison: Compares groups of Web3 entities or blockchain networks based on specified criterias.

  • User segmentation: Classifies Web3 user groups based on multi-schemes reputation scores and their behaviors.

  • Project insights: Consolidates and provides data on the activities of a designated Web3 project. Extracts and evaluates the quality and behaviors of Web3 users interacting with the project contracts.

  • Contract explorer: Queries and performs in-depth analysis for specified contracts.

  • Visualization: Visualizes the conchain connections and relationships of selected entity groups with other entities within the same blockchain network.

  • Report making: customers and ask chatbot (or do themselves) to produce analytical reports about specified contracts, dapps, categories or blockchains.

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